Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Deeper, deeper, into the center,
uncluttered mind, single focus.
Calm, quiet and peaceful.

The rose, the rose, the rose.

I stand at a crossroads
and chose the one less traveled.
The centuries drop away
and once more I become transported.

The rose, the rose, the rose.

Deep within my meditation I observe the moving centuries and the many lives I have lived on this plane. I see my Iona counterpart and her journey through Europe towards Alexanderia, I see her accepted into the inner circle and her hours searching the knowledge of the world for her pasts. And now, here, in this century, in the center of the rose, I am taken back to my beginnings.
I see the tents in a sandy strip on the most easterly part of Mesopotamia. I can see myself, draped in white linen, one shoulder exposed, and a golden rope belt holding the wrap together in the front. I seem to be standing in expectation, viewing the Tigris river on the East and the Euphrates on my west. Do I of another time somehow know that Jane of this life and time will return before she once more returns to another realm. If we can think it perhaps it is possible?


Friday, November 25, 2005

Rose by Heather Blakey

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Inside the rose le Enchanteur meets 'Rose'

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Rose Meditation

Rose Meditation by Heather Blakey

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Before commencing this meditation you might like to fill your space with the gentle perfume of Rose Oil.

“Take a deep breath and as you let it out imagine all the difficulties of the day going with it, now take the attention to the feet---" (work up the body relaxing—especially the back shoulders and neck)

“ Now focus on the breath---going in and out—gently and naturedly—imagine a swing door which moves slowly with the breath in and out—"(allow to continue for some moments)

Imagine that you are standing on the edge of the inner petals of this beautiful rose. The perfume of the rose surrounds you. Your senses are overwhelmed by the color

Beneath you is a deep cavern spiralling to the very centre of the rose. Droplets of water form pools nearby. Carefully you make your way into the interior of the rose. The light glows. Look around. Use all your senses to draw in details of your environment.

As you explore you hear footsteps coming. Someone is humming a song

the rose is a rose
is a rose is a rose
And a rose of a rose
of a rose
is a rose from a rose
from a rose
And a rose
in a rose in a rose
is a rose inside a rose
inside a rose
If a rose to a rose
to a rose
is any rose to any rose
is any rose.

The full meditation, by Heather Blakey, can be viewed on the 2005 Advent Calendar

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Silky Oak Tree Spirit

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We have set up the divination tent beside the Silky Oak and visitors can go inside the Oak, with the Silky Oak Spirit and have a mystery unravelled. Any takers?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Shedding Moon

Tonight is the full moon. It is called the Blood Moon and the Shedding Moon, among many others too. My primary focus will be to let go. I visualize myself unburdened by things or obligations. I imagine myself running into the ocean to be cleansed in the warm sun. My back is straight, bringing only what I can carry. I release the rest.